2016/10/6 1期生
Today’s Goal
・絵を見ながら英語の説明を聞いて、間違いを見つけよう 〜前置詞, There is/There are & 進行形〜
Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら
・BINGO No.20
・Dictation No.6
・間違い探し NEW!
・カルタ祭り 〜復習編〜
・15 second game 〜過去形〜 結構出てくるようになりました^^
Expression & Grammar(表現と文法)
<リスニング活動> 先生の英語を聞いて絵と違うところを当てよう(場所を表す前置詞、進行形、There is / There are)
出展:まちがいさがし地球の生きもの編 篠原菊紀(監修)
This is an aquarium.
There are four people in this picture.
A woman is in the middle, and three children are on the left.
One boy is wearing a cap, and the other boy is raising his hand.
The girl is looking at animals.
The woman is holding a flag.
There are three sea lions in this picture.
The sea lion on the left is standing on his hands. There is a watermelon on his head.
The sea lion on the small stage has three hoops on his neck. One is big and the others are small.
The sea lion near the rock is looking up, and raising his one hand.
There is a bucket in the picture, and in the bucket, there is a seashell.
New Words(新出単語)※音声のみ導入の単語も含みます
aquarium, middle, raising, holding, sea lions, standing on his hands, hoop, seashell, is about to
Today’s Tips(豆知識)
逆立ちすることを英語ではstand on 〜’s hands(手の上に立つ)と言います^^
Today’s Homework(宿題)