2021/1/19 & 26 4期生 完了形
Today’s Goal
Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら
・意味テスト No.25
・BINGO No.25
・BINGO No.26
・Dictation No.
・復習:What does it mean?
・What does it mean?復習もう一回最初から
・英作文:I have never
・A Lie or the Truth 〜I have never …〜
・会話:How many times have you …?
How many times have you been to Kenrokuen Garden? been to Tokyo?
talked with the principal?
How many times have you called your teacher “mom”?
How many times have you gone to school without school bag?
been to Karaoke?
talked with a police officer.
・What is the best …?
・A Lie or the Truth 〜The best day of the week〜
・会話:What is the best sport to watch?
・A Lie or the Truth〜不定詞〜
The best time to do homework is …
・The best place I(Ms. T) have ever visited was Mongolia!
・会話:Where is the best place you have ever visited? / The best present I have ever got is…
・英検過去問 〜The Wrestling Contest〜
Expressions & Grammar(表現と文法)
New Words(新出単語)※音声のみ導入の単語も含みます
Once, twice, three times
Today’s Homework(宿題)