2016/4/21 1期生
Today’s Goal
・チーム対決!竹内先生に「Yeah, it is!」と多く言わせられるチームはどこだ!
私が座る椅子を指してsoft chair! 自分たちが座る椅子をuncomfortable chair!と言われ、Yeah, it is….と答え(させられ)る竹内先生・・・
・Can You Read Aloud?
・Yeah, she is!
・動詞カルタ2 白熱しまくる動詞カルタの第二弾!!!
Expression & Grammar(表現と文法)
once a week
twice a week
once a day
男の人はhe, 女の人はsheと関係があることを知ろう(導入程度)
New Words(新出単語)※文字はまだです
get up, shave, get dressed, wash my face, get undressed, go to bed, sleep, clean the room, wash the dishes, do the laundry, iron, feed the baby, walk the dog, watch TV, listen to the radio, listen to music, read the newspaper, play cards, play basketball, play the guitar, play the piano, write a letter, relax
bean, soy, joy, toy, twice a week, homework, niece, toaster, magazine, review, taxi, greet, greeting, apartment, building
Today’s Homework(宿題)