2016/4/7 1期生
Today’s Goal
・Let’s Read Letter from Indonesia
Good evening.
How are you? vs How’s it going?
Expression & Grammar(表現と文法)
I like swimming.とI like to swim.のどちらでもいいんだね。
でも × I like to swimming.とは言わないんだね。
New Words(新出単語)※文字はまだです
Good evening.
eat | ate | eating |
clean | cleaned | cleaning |
read | read | reading |
sleep | slept | sleeping |
study | studied | studying |
practice | practiced | practicing |
cook | cooked | cooking |
go to | went to | going to |
swim | swam | swimming |
play | played | playing |
listen to | listened to | listening to |
Today’s Tips(豆知識)
・How are you?は誰に対しても使えるけど、How’s it going?は友達同士や、年齢が近い人同士の挨拶です。
・How are you?やHow’s it going?の挨拶は。欧米では知らない人同士でも使います。
Today’s Homework(宿題)