2016/6/27 1期生
Today’s Goal
・2分間英語だけで自由会話をしよう 〜自然なあいづち付きで!〜
・2-minutes conversation
・Can You Read Aloud?
・Role Playing 〜こう言う時なんて交渉する?〜
(例)You want to watch TV at 11 p.m. How do you persuade your parents?
・Back to the Board
Hi. How’s it going? What did you do today?
By the way, what do you think about …? Why do you think so? Oh, really? I think it’s ….
Expression & Grammar(表現と文法)
I want to…
I’d like to …
New Words(新出単語)
send, draw, receive, share, deliver, explain, pass, pour, polish, peel, chop, boil, middle, niece, uncle, aunt, vehicle, taxi, right, wrong, story, neighbor, finger, before, festival, weather, vacation
Today’s Tips(豆知識)
会話が「ぶつ切り」にならないように “Oh yeah?” “I see.” “By the way, …” などを効果的に使おう
Today’s Homework(宿題)