2016/8/11 4.5.6年生
Today’s Goal
・(フォニックス)oo, oy, ou, owを含む単語を知ろう
・Dictation 〜音を聞いてスペルを書こう〜
・Where is Waldo? 〜ウォーリーを探せ〜
・Quiz English English 〜英英辞書から「これな〜んだ」〜
New Words(新出単語)※文字はまだです
(陸上競技場 truck and field ground) sand box, mummy, three legged race, tug of war, record player, red cross flag, hurdles, gold medal,bucket,parachute,chair,tires,glasses,underwear
(2文字母音) room, noon, pool, food, book, cook, look, foot, house, mouth, south, round, town. down, brown, cow, coin, noisy, boy, enjoy
Today’s Homework(宿題)