2017/3/30 1期生
Today’s Goal
・従属節を含む文に慣れよう What do you want to be / when you were a child?
Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら
・BINGO No.27
・Dictation No.16
・Where is Waldo?
・Quiz: What does it mean?
・ファシリテーターになろう 〜テーマに沿って英会話、話を広げよう
Where in Japan do you want to visit?
What country do you want to visit?
New Words(新出単語)※音声のみ導入の単語も含みます
anchor, mast, jeep, crow, unicycle
soy sauce, treasure, adventure, downtown, flu, disease, shoot, excuse
Today’s Homework(宿題)