2017/9/14 1期生
Today’s Goal
・the leastを使って会話をしよう
Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら
・BINGO No.33
・Dictation No.23
・What does it mean?復習&NEW!
・the leastを使って会話しよう
What is the least common blood type?
What is the least healthy food in your opinion?
What is the least important subject in your opinion?
・A Lie or the Truth
生徒には秘密のカードが配られます。そのカードにはTell a lieかTell the truthと書かれています。以下のテーマに沿って1分ほど話をします。
What is the least common blood type?
What is the least healthy food in your opinion?
What is the least important subject in your opinion?
My least favorite subject is …
Something I’m bad at is …
Expression & Grammar(表現と文法)
New Words(新出単語
Today’s Homework(宿題)