2020/12/25, 2021/1/6&8 5期生 完了形
Today’s Goal
Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら
・BINGO No.20
・BINGO No.21
・Dictation No.19
・会話 Did you eat Christmas cake?
Did you get a present?
・A Lie or the Truth 〜My Christmas〜
・不定詞:Quiz: You use it to
・会話:Who gave you new Years money? Who…?
Did you get Otoshidama?
What food did you eat for new year?
・会話:What do you want to be in the future?
・完了形 Have you ever?
・会話:Have your ever eaten whale, horse, seen a ghost a UFO?
・前置詞句 with
・Where is waldo?
Expressions & Grammar(表現と文法)
New Words(新出単語)
frozen,broken,stolen,spoken,ridden,driven,written,risen,drawn,given,grown,known,fallen,flown ,bitten,hidden,chosen,taken,worn,shaken,shown
Today’s Homework(宿題)