2015/11/23 K5&6
Today’s Goal
・2文字母音「oo, ou, ow, oi, oy」が読めて書けるようになろう
・物語「What dogs like」
・Active Phonics P38~40
・仲間集めP. 41
Do you have a pet? (No, I don’t. とのこと。みんなペットを飼っていないのね。でもハムスターが欲しいという子がいました。その子の兄弟には「そんなこと言っても絶対すぐに飽きる」と言われていましたが・・・笑) I have a pet in Kochi. It’s a cat. It’s a girl. Her name is ミャン.
Today, we are going to read a book. Look at this. These are the character’s name.
This is Biff. She is a girl. (速攻で「え〜!?」という声が。ズボンを履いてるし、髪が短いように見えたんだね)
Yes, she is a girl. Look at the ribbon. She is wearing pants, but she has a long hair.
This is Kipper. Kipper is a boy. He is Biff’s brother.
This is Kipper and Biff’s brother. What is his name? Can you read? (His name is Chip)
Biff, Kipper, and Chip have a pet. It’s a dog. His name is Floppy.
Ok, let’s read a book. Look at the title. “What dogs like”
What can you see?(ページに載っているものを英語で何というか確認していきます。)
What’s her name, again? Biff. Biff has a book in her hands. What’s the title? Can you read? “My dog”.
What can you see? (載っているものを英語で何というか確認)
Look at her the book. Can you read? “Dogs like to play”
Yes, Floppy likes to play. He plays with a ball.
Where is this? Yes, park. Who is this? This is Kipper, Biff and Chip’s mom.
What can you see? (確認)
Look at the book. Can you read? “They like to walk.” Do you like to walk? ^^
What can you see? Where is this? What does the book say? “They like to sleep” Floppy likes to sleep. Do you like to sleep? (満場一致でYES!^^)
What can you see? Where is this?
Look at the book. Can you read? “They like to run.” Floppy likes to run. Do you like to run?
Where is this? What can you see? Who is this? This is Dad. Look at the book, what does it say? “They like a bath.” How about Floppy? Floppy hates this. Do you like a bath? (Noな子が多かったですね。髪を洗うのが嫌いだって)
Do you have a pet? What pet do you have?
What do you like to do?
I like to ~.
Do you like to sleep?
Do you like a bath?
New Words(新出単語)※文字はまだです
painting, lamp, carpet, curtain, window, sofa, cushion, ball, ribbon, park, bush, tree, buildings, grass, a walk, shadow, kitchen, bone, ball, cabinet, trash can, fence, yard, light switch, shampoo, towel, rubber glove, bathtub
Today’s Homework(宿題)
・P. 30
これまで、会話で疑問詞(what, who, whereなど)やたくさんの単語や動詞をカルタで勉強してきて、今回初めて本格的に物語を読みました。物語の内容をオールイングリッシュのやり取りで話を進めても無理なく理解できていました。若いってすごい。