2016/10/10 1期生

2016/10/10 1期生

Today’s Goal


・There is / There are, 進行形, 前置詞を音声で理解できるようになろう


Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら

・BINGO No.20

・Dictation No.6



・Can You Read Aloud

・Back to the Board

・15 Second Game  〜三単現s&過去形〜




What did you do today?


Expression & Grammar(表現と文法)

<リスニング活動>先生の英語を聞いて絵と違うところを当てよう(場所を表す前置詞、進行形、There is / There are)


This is a picture of Nara.
There are four people in this picture: a man, a woman, a boy, and a girl.
A man has a camera in his hands. He is wearing a hat.
A woman has 鹿せんべいs in her hands, and she is wearing a shoulder bag.
A girl is raising her hands. She is holding a 鹿せんべい in the left hand, and a hoop in her right hand.
A boy is giving a 鹿せんべい to a deer. There is one deer behind his back.
There are 14 deer in this picture. The deer in the bottom-right corner is eating a carrot. Another deer has a bell around his neck. There is a deer with long antlers. A deer has a unicorn horn. One deer in the center is eating something on the ground.
There are also a squirrel and a dog in the picture.
There is a Japanese parasol on the top left.


New Words(新出単語)※音声のみ導入の単語も含みます

difference, deer, shoulder bag, bell, antler, horn, rooster, hen, chick, holiday, holy, lesson, mirror, wall


Today’s Homework(宿題)