2016/1/18 5th&6th Grade

2016/1/18 5th&6th Grade

Today’s Goal













I’m in the 5th grade. I’m in the 6th grade.


Do you take a bath or take a shower?

Do you gargle?

How often do you gargle?


New Words(新出単語)※動詞以外は文字はまだです


introduce, answer, go to bed, catch、 bring, take tell practice, wear, raise

brush my teeth, floss my teeth, dry my hair, comb my hair, brush my hair, take a shower, gargle, take a bath, wash my hair

tooth brush, tooth paste, floss, shower cap, soap, bubble bath , mouthwash, shampoo, conditioner, brush, comb, hair drier


Today’s Tips(豆知識)

How oftenは回数を聞く表現⭐︎


Today’s Homework(宿題)


