2017/4/6 2期生

2017/4/6 2期生

Today’s Goal




Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら

・BINGO No.13

・Dictation No.12

・英会話:Do you have any cousins? What’s he or she like?

・英会話:What do you think about…?

・Can You Read Aloud?

・3 Hint quiz / Quiz English English

・15 Second Game 人の性格を表す




Do you have any cousins?
What’s she/he like?

What do you think about…?   I think ….
Why?                I think so because ….


New Words(新出単語)

inside, here, brain,boring,email,dice,stinky,ostrich,kindergarten


Today’s Homework(宿題)