2020/11/10 4期生 助動詞

2020/11/10 4期生 助動詞

Today’s Goal

・have to, mustなどの助動詞を知ろう




Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら

・BINGO No.23

・BINGO No.22

・Dictation No.13

・What does it mean?

・A Lie or the Truth
I used to …

・A Lie or the Truth
I have to / I don’t have to
After I go home, I want to

How do you come here? by car
How do you help your parents?
How do you like to eat rice?

・A Lie or the Truth
When I have free time, I like to …

・代名詞she vs her/they vs their

・数えられる名詞 抽象的な名詞

・AGO Q&A No.2



Expressions & Grammar(表現と文法)




I have to…


New Words(新出単語)

needle,doubt,damp,health,entrance,danger,countryside,customer,attend,cheat, cartoon,ceiling,must,belong,must,used


Today’s Homework(宿題)