2020/3/13 4.5.6年生 三人称単数現在のs

2020/3/13 4.5.6年生 三人称単数現在のs

Today’s Goal



Activities(アクティビティー) 活動内容紹介ページはこちら

・BINGO No.11

・Dictation No.10

・形容詞カルタ総復習 vs Ms.T

・代名詞:his her

・会話:What is your dream?  His dream is to become …

・A Lie or the truth
I’ll talk about my …

My husband gets up at 6. He makes his breakfast. He eats bread and bell pepper every morning. He works at Kanazawa University. He likes computers and math. He also likes sports. In summer, he goes to Uchinada beach for kite surfing. In winter, he goes skiing.

・15 Second Game 〜動詞のs付きバージョン音声で〜

・A Lie or the Truth
My father(mother) likes …

・AGO Q&A No.1


Expressions & Grammar(表現と文法)




His, her


Today’s Homework(宿題)